Sunday, February 24, 2008

ASN.1 Library Starts to Use Bytestrings

You'll need this to make the latest Constrained.lhs compile.

Friday, February 22, 2008

LaTeX in Blog

This seems quite straightforward but given some of the characters get turned into ASCII(?), it might be hard to edit.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Binary Put

*Main> let (_,r,_,_) = runBitPut (ennb (2^33-4,2^33-1)) in r
Chunk "00000000 ff ff ff fe 00 .....\n" Empty
*Main> let (_,r,_,_) = runBitPut (bar (reverse (encodeNNBIntBits (2^33-4,2^33-1)))) in r
Chunk "00000000 ff ff ff fe 00 .....\n" Empty

I've been monkeying around with writing (and reading) ByteStrings as
these are much more efficient than what we are using now ([Word8] where
each Word8 is 0 or 1.

We should be able to write e.g this

let (_,r,_,_) = runBitPut (bar (reverse (encodeNNBIntBits
(233-1,233-1)))) in r

to a file. Note that ennb (ByteString equivalent of encodeNNBIntBits) is
actually a bit simpler.

I stole some of the code from Adam Langley. I'll try and email him this
week to suggest adding e.g. writeN to his library.

module Main where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import IO
import Data.List

import qualified Data.Binary.Strict.BitGet as BG

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC

import Text.Printf (printf)

t :: (Eq a, Show a) => [Word8] -> BG.BitGet a -> a -> Bool
t bytes m v = if result == v then True else error (show (bytes, v, result)) where
Right result = BG.runBitGet (B.pack bytes) m

foos 0 = return []
foos n =
do x <- BG.getBit
xs <- foos (n-1)
return (x:xs)

foos8 0 = return []
foos8 n =
do x <- BG.getWord8
xs <- foos8 (n-1)
return (x:xs)

test =
do h <- openFile "foobarbaz" ReadMode
b <- B.hGetContents h
let ebms = test2 b
case ebms of
Left s -> return s
Right bms -> return (concat ((map (show . B.unpack) bms)))

test1 =
do bm1 <- BG.getRightByteString 2
bm2 <- BG.getRightByteString 2
return [bm1,bm2]

test2 bs = BG.runBitGet bs test1

data S = S {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString -- ^ output
{-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 -- ^ bit offset in current byte
{-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 -- ^ current byte

newtype PutBit a = PutBit { unPut :: S -> (a,S) }

instance Functor PutBit where
fmap f m = PutBit (\s -> let (a,s') = unPut m s in (f a,s'))

instance Monad PutBit where
return a = PutBit (\s -> (a,s))
m >>= k = PutBit (\s -> let (a,s') = unPut m s in unPut (k a) s')

get :: PutBit S
get = PutBit (\s -> (s,s))

put :: S -> PutBit ()
put s = PutBit (const ((), s))

writeN :: Word8 -> PutBit ()
writeN n =
do S bytes boff curr <- get
let bit = n .&. 0x01
newCurr = curr .|. (shiftL bit (fromIntegral boff))
newBoff = boff + 1
if newBoff == 9
then put (S (B.cons curr bytes) 1 bit)
else put (S bytes newBoff newCurr)

foo = do writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1

bar [] = return ()
bar (x:xs) = do writeN x
bar xs

runBitPut m =
let (_,s) = unPut m (S B.empty 0 0)
(S bytes boff curr) = s
allBits = B.cons curr bytes
(hexDumpString allBits,hexDumpString (leftShift (fromIntegral (8-boff)) allBits),boff,curr)

leftShift :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
leftShift 0 = id
leftShift n = snd . B.mapAccumR f 0 where
f acc b = (b `shiftR` (8 - n), (b `shiftL` n) .|. acc)

ennb :: (Integer,Integer) -> PutBit ()
ennb = mUnfoldr h

h (_,0) = Nothing
h (0,w) = Just (0, (0, w `div` 2))
h (n,w) = Just (fromIntegral (n `mod` 2), (n `div` 2, w `div` 2))

mUnfoldr f b =
case f b of
Just (a,new_b) -> do writeN a
mUnfoldr f new_b
Nothing -> return ()

type BitStream = [Word8]

encodeNNBIntOctets :: Integer -> BitStream
encodeNNBIntOctets =
reverse . (map fromInteger) . flip (curry (unfoldr (uncurry g))) 8 where
g 0 0 = Nothing
g 0 p = Just (0,(0,p-1))
g n 0 = Just (n `mod` 2,(n `div` 2,7))
g n p = Just (n `mod` 2,(n `div` 2,p-1))

encodeNNBIntBits :: (Integer, Integer) -> BitStream
= reverse . (map fromInteger) . unfoldr h
h (_,0) = Nothing
h (0,w) = Just (0, (0, w `div` 2))
h (n,w) = Just (n `mod` 2, (n `div` 2, w `div` 2))

hexDumpString :: B.ByteString -> BLC.ByteString
hexDumpString = BLC.fromChunks . dumpLine (0 :: Int) where
dumpLine offset bs
| B.null bs = []
| otherwise = line : (dumpLine (offset + 16) $ B.drop 16 bs) where
line = s $ a ++ b ++ " " ++ c ++ padding ++ right ++ newline
s = BC.pack
a = printf "%08x " offset
b = concat $ intersperse " " $ map (printf "%02x") $ B.unpack $ B.take 8 bs
c = concat $ intersperse " " $ map (printf "%02x") $ B.unpack $ B.take 8 $ B.drop 8 bs
padding = replicate paddingSize ' '
paddingSize = 2 + (16 - (min 16 $ B.length bs)) * 3 - if B.length bs <= 8 then 1 else 0
right = map safeChar $ B.unpack $ B.take 16 bs
newline = "\n"
safeChar c
| c >= 32 && c <= 126 = w2c c
| otherwise = '.'

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The C being generated from this for the constrained BIT STRINGs is incorrect. The unused bits look distinctly squiffy.

FooBar {1 2 3 4 5 6} DEFINITIONS ::=
Type1 ::= CHOICE {element0 INTEGER}
value1 Type1 ::= element0:1
Type2 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..2)) (SIZE (2..2))
value2 Type2 ::= '01'B
Type3 ::= INTEGER
value3 Type3 ::= 3
Type4 ::= BIT STRING
value4 Type4 ::= '001'B
Type5 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (3..6)) (SIZE (6..6)) (SIZE (6..6))
value5 Type5 ::= '010101'B
Type6 ::= SEQUENCE {element1 BIT STRING (SIZE (3..3)) (SIZE (3..3)) (SIZE (3..3)),
element2 SEQUENCE {},
element3 CHOICE {element4 INTEGER}}
value6 Type6 ::= {element1 '000'B,
element2 {},
element3 element4:0}
Type7 ::= SEQUENCE {}
value7 Type7 ::= {}
Type8 ::= CHOICE {element5 [0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {element6 [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER},
element7 INTEGER}
value8 Type8 ::= element5:{element6 2}
Type9 ::= INTEGER
value9 Type9 ::= -2
Type10 ::= BIT STRING
value10 Type10 ::= '0011'B

(*type1).present = Type1_PR_element0;
(*type1).choice.element0 = 1;

(*type2).buf = calloc (1, 1); /* 1 bytes */
(*type2).size = 1;
(*type2).buf[0] = 64;
(*type2).bits_unused = 2; /* Trim unused bits */

(*type3) = 3;

(*type4).buf = calloc (1, 1); /* 1 bytes */
(*type4).size = 1;
(*type4).buf[0] = 32;
(*type4).bits_unused = 3; /* Trim unused bits */

(*type5).buf = calloc (1, 1); /* 1 bytes */
(*type5).size = 1;
(*type5).buf[0] = 84;
(*type5).bits_unused = 6; /* Trim unused bits */

(*type6).element1.buf = calloc (1, 1); /* 1 bytes */
(*type6).element1.size = 1;
(*type6).element1.buf[0] = 0;
(*type6).element1.bits_unused = 3; /* Trim unused bits */
(*type6).element3.present = element3_PR_element4;
(*type6).element3.choice.element4 = 0;

(*type8).present = Type8_PR_element5;
(*type8).choice.element5.element6 = 2;

(*type9) = -2;

(*type10).buf = calloc (1, 1); /* 1 bytes */
(*type10).size = 1;
(*type10).buf[0] = 48;
(*type10).bits_unused = 4; /* Trim unused bits */

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Now Generating C and ASN.1 for a Complete Random Module

We can now generate a random ASN.1 module, print out the ASN.1, generate C for it which after a bit of manipulation compiles having first run asn1c on the ASN.1. The next step is to generate the .asn1 and .c files automatically so there's no need for manual manipulation.
*Asn1cTest> quickC
FooBar {1 2 3 4 5 6} DEFINITIONS ::=
Type1 ::= SEQUENCE {}
value1 Type1 ::= {}
Type2 ::= INTEGER
value2 Type2 ::= -2
Type3 ::= SEQUENCE {element0 CHOICE {element1 INTEGER},
element2 SEQUENCE {}}
value3 Type3 ::= {element0 element1:1,
element2 {}}
Type4 ::= CHOICE {element3 INTEGER}
value4 Type4 ::= element3:4
Type5 ::= SEQUENCE {}
value5 Type5 ::= {}
Type6 ::= INTEGER
value6 Type6 ::= -2
Type7 ::= INTEGER
value7 Type7 ::= 3
Type8 ::= SEQUENCE {element4 BIT STRING (SIZE (4..7)) (SIZE (4..6)) (SIZE (5..5)) (SIZE (5..5))}
value8 Type8 ::= {element4 '01110'B}
Type9 ::= INTEGER
value9 Type9 ::= -3
Type10 ::= SEQUENCE {}
value10 Type10 ::= {}
Type1 ::= {}
Type2 ::= -2
Type3 ::= {element0 element1:1,
element2 {}}
Type4 ::= element3:4
Type5 ::= {}
Type6 ::= -2
Type7 ::= 3
Type8 ::= {element4 '01110'B}
Type9 ::= -3
Type10 ::= {}
#include /* Type1 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type2 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type3 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type4 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type5 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type6 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type7 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type8 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type9 ASN.1 type */
#include /* Type10 ASN.1 type */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type1 type */
Type1_t *type1;

/* Allocate an instance of Type1 */
type1 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type1_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type1); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type2 type */
Type2_t *type2;

/* Allocate an instance of Type2 */
type2 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type2_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type2); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type3 type */
Type3_t *type3;

/* Allocate an instance of Type3 */
type3 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type3_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type3); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type4 type */
Type4_t *type4;

/* Allocate an instance of Type4 */
type4 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type4_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type4); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type5 type */
Type5_t *type5;

/* Allocate an instance of Type5 */
type5 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type5_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type5); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type6 type */
Type6_t *type6;

/* Allocate an instance of Type6 */
type6 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type6_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type6); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type7 type */
Type7_t *type7;

/* Allocate an instance of Type7 */
type7 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type7_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type7); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type8 type */
Type8_t *type8;

/* Allocate an instance of Type8 */
type8 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type8_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type8); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type9 type */
Type9_t *type9;

/* Allocate an instance of Type9 */
type9 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type9_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type9); /* Assume infinite memory */

/* Declare a pointer to a Type10 type */
Type10_t *type10;

/* Allocate an instance of Type10 */
type10 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type10_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type10); /* Assume infinite memory */

(*type2) = -2;

(*type3).element0.present = element0_PR_element1;
(*type3).element0.choice.element1 = 1;

(*type4).present = Type4_PR_element3;
(*type4).choice.element3 = 4;

(*type6) = -2;

(*type7) = 3;

(*type8).element4.buf = calloc (1, 1); /* 1 bytes */
(*type8).element4.size = 1;
(*type8).element4.buf[0] = 112;
(*type8).element4.bits_unused = 5; /* Trim unused bits */

(*type9) = -3;

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Generating Memory Allocation for C Variables for the ASN.1 Types

There's now a function to generate the C memory allocation code for type assignments.

*Asn1cTest> declareTypePointer (TYPEASS "Type12" Nothing type12)

/* Declare a pointer to a Type12 type */
Type12_t *type12;

/* Allocate an instance of Type12 */
type12 = calloc(1, sizeof(Type12_t)); /* not malloc! */
assert(type12); /* Assume infinite memory */

There's also a function to generate random type assignments and values but the formatting is not quite right for pretty / show. This may not matter (at the moment) as the next step is to generate C code to assign values to the C form of the ASN.1 types.

*Asn1cTest> genModule''
[Type1 ::= CHOICE {i INTEGER}: Type1 ::= i:1,
Type2 ::= CHOICE {xc INTEGER}: Type2 ::= xc:1,
Type3 ::= SEQUENCE {}: Type3 ::= {},
h INTEGER}: Type4 ::= h:4,
Type5 ::= SEQUENCE {}: Type5 ::= {},
m INTEGER}: Type6 ::= m:-3,
Type7 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (5..6)) (SIZE (6..6)) (SIZE (6..6)): Type7 ::= '001110'B,
Type8 ::= BIT STRING: Type8 ::= '0010'B,
Type9 ::= INTEGER: Type9 ::= -9,
Type10 ::= INTEGER: Type10 ::= 6]

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Phil's TexPertise

I've published Phil's response here so it's searchable for future reference. I couldn't publish it as a comment as blogger rejected something in the text below as a comment but strangely seems to accept it as a post.

Dom --- Have you thought of using either fancyvrb.sty or listings.sty ? fancyvrb is simpler but listings is very customizable. Rather than using the alltt package and embedding lots of LaTeX formatting you define a code environment that does what you want --- I choose the name ``code'' so that you can run your LaTeX as a Haskell literate script. Here's three ways of defining a code environment

(1) Using fancybox



(2) Using fancyvrb



% Typical usage
% \begin{code}[numbers=left,frame=lines,framesep=3mm,
% label={[Beginning of code]End of code}]
% \end{code}

(3) Using listings



The above example is from page 41 of the listings manual --- there is already a Haskell driver in the set of languages that listings comes with --- I couldn't see an ASN.1 language definition but it would be easier to define one than doing all the LaTeX embedding. I need to use listings to typeset my JavaScript notes.

Let me know if this helps.


Generate C Code for Multiple Types

The next immediate step is to:
  1. Generate C code for multiple ASN.1 type definitions in a module.
  2. Add some unit tests for generating C code so that any future modifications that affect C code generation are caught before a patch is committed.
Probably the steps after that are to:
  1. Automate (script) testing against asn1c.
  2. Add unit tests for e.g. enumerated types and component of types.
  3. Beef up QuickCheck testing.