*Main> let (_,r,_,_) = runBitPut (ennb (2^33-4,2^33-1)) in r
Chunk "00000000 ff ff ff fe 00 .....\n" Empty
*Main> let (_,r,_,_) = runBitPut (bar (reverse (encodeNNBIntBits (2^33-4,2^33-1)))) in r
Chunk "00000000 ff ff ff fe 00 .....\n" Empty
I've been monkeying around with writing (and reading) ByteStrings as
these are much more efficient than what we are using now ([Word8] where
each Word8 is 0 or 1.
We should be able to write e.g this
let (_,r,_,_) = runBitPut (bar (reverse (encodeNNBIntBits
(233-1,233-1)))) in r
to a file. Note that ennb (ByteString equivalent of encodeNNBIntBits) is
actually a bit simpler.
I stole some of the code from Adam Langley. I'll try and email him this
week to suggest adding e.g. writeN to his library.
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import IO
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Binary.Strict.BitGet as BG
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import Text.Printf (printf)
t :: (Eq a, Show a) => [Word8] -> BG.BitGet a -> a -> Bool
t bytes m v = if result == v then True else error (show (bytes, v, result)) where
Right result = BG.runBitGet (B.pack bytes) m
foos 0 = return []
foos n =
do x <- BG.getBit
xs <- foos (n-1)
return (x:xs)
foos8 0 = return []
foos8 n =
do x <- BG.getWord8
xs <- foos8 (n-1)
return (x:xs)
test =
do h <- openFile "foobarbaz" ReadMode
b <- B.hGetContents h
let ebms = test2 b
case ebms of
Left s -> return s
Right bms -> return (concat ((map (show . B.unpack) bms)))
test1 =
do bm1 <- BG.getRightByteString 2
bm2 <- BG.getRightByteString 2
return [bm1,bm2]
test2 bs = BG.runBitGet bs test1
data S = S {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString -- ^ output
{-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 -- ^ bit offset in current byte
{-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 -- ^ current byte
newtype PutBit a = PutBit { unPut :: S -> (a,S) }
instance Functor PutBit where
fmap f m = PutBit (\s -> let (a,s') = unPut m s in (f a,s'))
instance Monad PutBit where
return a = PutBit (\s -> (a,s))
m >>= k = PutBit (\s -> let (a,s') = unPut m s in unPut (k a) s')
get :: PutBit S
get = PutBit (\s -> (s,s))
put :: S -> PutBit ()
put s = PutBit (const ((), s))
writeN :: Word8 -> PutBit ()
writeN n =
do S bytes boff curr <- get
let bit = n .&. 0x01
newCurr = curr .|. (shiftL bit (fromIntegral boff))
newBoff = boff + 1
if newBoff == 9
then put (S (B.cons curr bytes) 1 bit)
else put (S bytes newBoff newCurr)
foo = do writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
writeN 0
writeN 1
bar [] = return ()
bar (x:xs) = do writeN x
bar xs
runBitPut m =
let (_,s) = unPut m (S B.empty 0 0)
(S bytes boff curr) = s
allBits = B.cons curr bytes
(hexDumpString allBits,hexDumpString (leftShift (fromIntegral (8-boff)) allBits),boff,curr)
leftShift :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
leftShift 0 = id
leftShift n = snd . B.mapAccumR f 0 where
f acc b = (b `shiftR` (8 - n), (b `shiftL` n) .|. acc)
ennb :: (Integer,Integer) -> PutBit ()
ennb = mUnfoldr h
h (_,0) = Nothing
h (0,w) = Just (0, (0, w `div` 2))
h (n,w) = Just (fromIntegral (n `mod` 2), (n `div` 2, w `div` 2))
mUnfoldr f b =
case f b of
Just (a,new_b) -> do writeN a
mUnfoldr f new_b
Nothing -> return ()
type BitStream = [Word8]
encodeNNBIntOctets :: Integer -> BitStream
encodeNNBIntOctets =
reverse . (map fromInteger) . flip (curry (unfoldr (uncurry g))) 8 where
g 0 0 = Nothing
g 0 p = Just (0,(0,p-1))
g n 0 = Just (n `mod` 2,(n `div` 2,7))
g n p = Just (n `mod` 2,(n `div` 2,p-1))
encodeNNBIntBits :: (Integer, Integer) -> BitStream
= reverse . (map fromInteger) . unfoldr h
h (_,0) = Nothing
h (0,w) = Just (0, (0, w `div` 2))
h (n,w) = Just (n `mod` 2, (n `div` 2, w `div` 2))
hexDumpString :: B.ByteString -> BLC.ByteString
hexDumpString = BLC.fromChunks . dumpLine (0 :: Int) where
dumpLine offset bs
| B.null bs = []
| otherwise = line : (dumpLine (offset + 16) $ B.drop 16 bs) where
line = s $ a ++ b ++ " " ++ c ++ padding ++ right ++ newline
s = BC.pack
a = printf "%08x " offset
b = concat $ intersperse " " $ map (printf "%02x") $ B.unpack $ B.take 8 bs
c = concat $ intersperse " " $ map (printf "%02x") $ B.unpack $ B.take 8 $ B.drop 8 bs
padding = replicate paddingSize ' '
paddingSize = 2 + (16 - (min 16 $ B.length bs)) * 3 - if B.length bs <= 8 then 1 else 0
right = map safeChar $ B.unpack $ B.take 16 bs
newline = "\n"
safeChar c
| c >= 32 && c <= 126 = w2c c
| otherwise = '.'
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