prettyOC1 x
at the command line you get
Fixed Type Value Set Errors BOOLEAN
Information Object other function
Variable Type Value Set Supported Arguments {Type ArgumentType}
Fixed Type Value Set Alphabet IA5STRING
Variable Type Value result-if-error {Type ResultType}
Type ResultType
Fixed Type Value code INTEGER
Type ArgumentType
The code is in Example.hs in the darcs repository.
import Text.PrettyPrint
data ZeroTuple = ZeroTuple
data Tuple e es = Tuple e es
newtype IA5String = IA5String {unIA5String :: String}
data ASNType :: * -> * where
INTEGER :: ASNType Integer
IA5STRING :: ASNType IA5String
prettyType :: ASNType a -> Doc
prettyType BOOLEAN = text "BOOLEAN"
prettyType INTEGER = text "INTEGER"
prettyType IA5STRING = text "IA5STRING"
data UbjClass :: * where
USingleton :: UbjClassComponent -> UbjClass
UCons :: UbjClassComponent -> UbjClass -> UbjClass
type FieldName = String
data UbjClassComponent :: * where
UCFTV :: FieldName -> ASNType a -> UbjClassComponent
UCIO :: FieldName -> UbjClass -> UbjClassComponent
uF2 = UCFTV "code" INTEGER
uF = UCons (UCIO "another" uF) (USingleton uF2)
data ObjClass :: * -> * where
Singleton :: ObjClassComponent a -> ObjClass a
Cons :: ObjClassComponent a -> ObjClass l -> ObjClass (Tuple a l)
Lift :: Mu a l -> ObjClass (Mu a l)
data ObjClassComponent :: * -> * where
OCFTV :: FieldName -> ASNType a -> ObjClassComponent a
OCIO :: FieldName -> ObjClass a -> ObjClassComponent a
oF2 = OCFTV "code" INTEGER
oF = Lift (Inl (Cons (OCIO "another" oF) (Singleton oF2)))
oG = Lift (Inr (Cons oF2 (Singleton (OCIO "another" oG))))
oH = Lift (Inl (Cons (OCIO "another" oH) (Cons oF2 (Singleton oF2))))
oJ = Cons ((OCIO "bar") $ oH) (Singleton . (OCIO "foo") $ oH)
oK = Lift (Inr (Cons oF2 (Lift (Inl (Cons (OCIO "foo" oK) (Singleton oF2))))))
data Mu :: * -> * -> * where
Inl :: ObjClass (Tuple (Mu a b) b) -> Mu a b
Inr :: ObjClass (Tuple a (Mu a b)) -> Mu a b
prettyOCC :: ObjClassComponent a -> String
prettyOCC (OCFTV fn ty) = fn ++ " " ++ prettyASN ty
prettyOCC (OCIO fn oc) = fn
prettyASN :: ASNType a -> String
prettyOC :: ObjClass a -> String
prettyOC (Singleton occ) = prettyOCC occ
prettyOC (Cons occ oc) = prettyOCC occ ++ " " ++ prettyOC oc
prettyOC (Lift mu) = prettyMu mu
prettyMu :: Mu a b -> String
prettyMu (Inl oc) = prettyOC oc
prettyMu (Inr oc) = prettyOC oc
data ObjClassComponent1 :: * -> * where
OCType :: FieldName -> ObjClassComponent1 a
OCFixedTypeValue :: FieldName -> ASNType a -> ObjClassComponent1 a
OCVariableTypeValue :: FieldName -> ObjClassComponent1 a -> ObjClassComponent1 a
OCFixedTypeValueSet :: FieldName -> ASNType a -> ObjClassComponent1 a
OCVariableTypeValueSet :: FieldName -> ObjClassComponent1 a -> ObjClassComponent1 a
OCInformationObject :: FieldName -> ObjClass1 a -> ObjClassComponent1 a
data ObjClass1 :: * -> * where
Singleton1 :: ObjClassComponent1 a -> ObjClass1 a
Cons1 :: ObjClassComponent1 a -> ObjClass1 l -> ObjClass1 (Tuple a l)
Lift1 :: Mu1 a l -> ObjClass1 (Mu1 a l)
data Mu1 :: * -> * -> * where
Inl1 :: ObjClass1 (Tuple (Mu1 a b) b) -> Mu1 a b
Inr1 :: ObjClass1 (Tuple a (Mu1 a b)) -> Mu1 a b
The definition in Haskell below is very similar to the one on page 314 in
Dubuisson which is reproduced below.
&Alphabet BMPString
&ArgumentType ,
&SupportedArguments &ArgumentType OPTIONAL,
&result-if-error &ResultType DEFAULT NULL,
&associated-function OTHER-FUNCTION OPTIONAL,
{rejected-argument | memory-fault} }
x1 = OCType "ArgumentType"
x2 = OCFixedTypeValue "code" INTEGER
x3 = OCType "ResultType"
x4 = OCVariableTypeValue "result-if-error" x3
x5 = OCFixedTypeValueSet "Alphabet" IA5STRING
x6 = OCVariableTypeValueSet "Supported Arguments" x1
x7 = OCFixedTypeValueSet "Errors" BOOLEAN
x = Lift1 (Inr1 (Cons1 x7 (Lift1 (Inl1 (Cons1 (OCInformationObject "other function" x) (Cons1 x6 (Cons1 x5 (Cons1 x4 (Cons1 x3 (Cons1 x2 (Singleton1 x1)))))))))))
printObjClassComp (OCType fn) = text "Type" <+> text fn
printObjClassComp (OCFixedTypeValue fn t) = text "Fixed Type Value" <+> text fn <+> prettyType t
printObjClassComp (OCVariableTypeValue fn c) = text "Variable Type Value" <+> text fn <+> braces (printObjClassComp c)
printObjClassComp (OCFixedTypeValueSet fn t) = text "Fixed Type Value Set" <+> text fn <+> prettyType t
printObjClassComp (OCVariableTypeValueSet fn c) = text "Variable Type Value Set" <+> text fn <+> braces (printObjClassComp c)
printObjClassComp (OCInformationObject fn oc) = text "Information Object" <+> text fn
prettyOC1 :: ObjClass1 a -> Doc
prettyOC1 (Singleton1 occ) = printObjClassComp occ
prettyOC1 (Cons1 occ oc) = printObjClassComp occ $$ prettyOC1 oc
prettyOC1 (Lift1 mu) = prettyMu1 mu
prettyMu1 :: Mu1 a b -> Doc
prettyMu1 (Inl1 oc) = prettyOC1 oc
prettyMu1 (Inr1 oc) = prettyOC1 oc
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